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Updated: May 12, 2021

My Love For Pastel Colours

Introduction by: Claudia Anabella (Instagram: )

Being around people that inspire me is something that I require.

Suman’s world is a world in which a dreamer, like myself, can live and triumph through his work.

His last series is a well-composed piece of imagination, a world of pastels. I felt like he invited me, indirectly speaking, on a red carpet. Glamour, simplicity, clean style, elegance and “joie de vivre” as French say.

He made me fall for the smell of pastels which started to give life into my soul.

Every picture offers a beacon of hope in this conundrum of life.

Would you like to join a world full of magical things?

Suman’s purpose will be to make you grow and understand the impact of colours and to save you, save you from yourself, from the boring daily routine. He will dive you through a poetic path even just by using such ordinary patterns such as flowers, mugs or a pillow etc.

Also, his muse played very well with his perspective.

I, myself have a huge story to tell hence his use of simplicity. And this is astonishing as minimalism has to be embraced. The greatest ideas are the simplest and this left a huge impact on me as a viewer.

To summarize everything, when my eyes encountered his “ Pastel series “ - my life started to take shape for a moment, a moment with beautiful colourful magic.

I dare you to try this delicious collection!



This season of the year reminds us that the heaven, every book talks about, is right here on Earth. A long walk on the county road amongst cherry blossom or a peaceful afternoon spent in a garden surrounded by colours from heaven is all it takes to rejuvenate our soul.


I was literally drowning in death metal and everything dark until a few years ago. Then I let colours in. Only people who have been to the deepest trenches will value the brightest light. Pastel colours are a big trend. From clothes to apps and web designs; from toys to wedding decoration, it's in trend.

I chose this pose intentionally because I have seen so many pics with the model placing something up close to the eyes. Well, if that's the trend, then let me make it obvious.


'Consistency' they say! "Your Instagram gallery should be esthetic. It should have one consistent theme, colour, mood etc. Create what your audience likes most. Create what's trending. Post regularly. Be consistent. Consistent theme..consistent. Consistent colour" - Every Instagram expert.

Well, dear expert, nature is not consistent. There are four seasons: rain, summer, winter, spring. One region looks completely different from the other. It snows some places, the other one is a dry sandy desert. Pattern, routines, similarities makes everything boring. Nature understands that, so should we.

This series of mine has a contrasting difference with my previous ones. I didn't even plan to. I just did it and I'm glad about it. The engagement in this series dropped significantly. But hey, there are some folks who said, this one is refreshing and made their day. So, I guess I created this for them and for me.


Pastel is in, totally in. I shoot lots of events and portraits. Although I prefer vintage fine art setup for studio portraits, I adore pastels for events especially when it comes to babies and weddings. I have shot babies' birthdays where the presence of pastel colours, whether pink or blue, lifts the look and feel. The pics look great straight out of the camera. The same is the case with weddings. More and more couples are ditching traditional solid deep crimson and gold to more pleasant pastels. Wherever possible, I suggest my clients go for pastels. The fashion industry is drowning in sweet pastel shades at the moment. Pick up your favourite shopping app and have a look.




I publish my photos in a series of six photos. See them first on my Instagram handle @someonekrishna. Every photo should be viewed in sequence as they are part of a series. Caption/ description is a major part of the photos. In order to understand my photos and the series better, please do read the description. Subscribe to my blog and never miss an update even if you are not on Instagram or other social media platform.

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